Mountain Minute: What I learned at NADCAP last week might surprise you

Despite NADCAP being a requirement for companies that provide services for the aerospace industry, what I took away from last week’s training surprised me.Philosophical EngineeringToday in a capitalistic and individualistic mentality culture, competition is expected. Increasing profits, minimizing mistakes, and cheaper prices with higher quality over your competitors. However, at the NADCAP conference last week in Pittsburgh, PA, one of the instructors stated that even though companies like Boeing, Bell, Lockheed Martin, and so on Read more…

Mountain Minute: Mindful Running

Every step counts in running a race or even running a business. Philosophical EngineeringMarathon running has always created a space for me to let my mind and body run free. But free to the extent that the race course has specific turns to take and that the race has certain rules to follow. Similar to when I compare my running to that of helping run a business, that space to “run” free must be created. That Read more…

Mountain Minute: Is creativity allowed in a stable workplace?

Organizations want stability and change, but realize that it takes creativity to innovate solutions to problems that deter stability and change. Philosophical EngineeringHowever, creativity often is associated with taking risks towards solutions of problems. Individuals must find a way to be creative in every aspect of their workday. Even it if it technically isn’t “given”. 

Mountain Minute: When I know I’m wrong

When I know I’m wrong is a specific feeling. It isn’t when I realize that I didn’t get enough “likes” on my social media or when I can mask my mistake with a biased selfie or insecure post of something positive. Philosophical EngineeringI know I’m wrong when there is consequential feedback. Feedback not from social media, but rather feedback that isn’t easy to always swallow when I make a mistake. It is feedback that makes me Read more…

Mountain Minute: When conflict is necessary

Levi (2015) suggests there are misperceptions when it comes to conflict in that it is “bad and should be avoided”, causes misunderstandings, or everyone’s concerns will be addressed.Philosophical EngineeringAnd yet Levi (2015) further goes on to suggest that conflict is normal in the development of team based processes. That teams avoiding conflict are actually doing a disservice to the members and possibly the organization as a whole. Levi (2015) recommends we need to all increase Read more…

Mountain Minute: Social media is NOT socializing

There are many posts being posted explaining the many benefits of “socializing” on social media platforms. And yet there is a contradiction of this sort of claim in terms of engagement in communication with that of psychological research studies.Philosophical EngineeringIn the work of Pentland (2012) three aspects were identified as being important to communication. The first being the energy that a person or persons exchange, then the level of engagement, and finally the concept of Read more…

Mountain Minute: Stop posting quotes!

“I quote thee to make myself look…”Philosophical EngineeringWe all want our voice heard. Especially more than ever with online presence where our pixels get shared with anyone who has access to internet around the world. And yet we often list quotes that have all but become more than cliche, but annoying. We get it. We all want to think like Einstein and Zig Ziglar. And whether you justify your quotes like the writings on the Read more…

Mountain Minute: Millennials are lazy… says who?

I often find it insulting when I’m accused as a Millennial who is lazy and fails to work hard in life. That I complain about things needing to always come instantaneously to me on my phone. Philosophical EngineeringWhat is fascinating is looking at the people who actually are accusing Millennials of being these stereotypes. Most them are older people. So what credibility is there in describing a generation that they are not? This seems hardly acceptable. Read more…

Mountain Minute: “Same shit, different day”

We have heard this phrase before, “same shit, different day” when we sometimes talk about the frustrations of our day-to-day job. But why do we often get frustrated at doing the same thing over and over again?Philosophical EngineeringI often find inspiration from running and training for marathons. And every day I’m confronted with doing the same routine of fighting the alarm clock, getting ready to run despite my legs not feeling 100%, and battling through Read more…