Mountain Minute: New job? Or new perspective?

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Once upon a time I thought that a dream job would be my "passion". My "doesn't even feel like work to me" sort of job.

Philosophical Engineering

And yet when I run 20 miles training for a marathon, a sport that I am passionate about, I certainly don't give it that big-grin-on-my-face-smile of "this doesn't even feel like work to me!"

What a bunch of bull crap believing that work shouldn't feel like work. What should it feel like then? Me sweating after running a marathon, isn't work?

Instead, I have learned through running, through going back to graduate school, through process engineering at a heat treating company, that work is really like play, and that play often takes a good degree of work. We often hear ourselves reminiscing about the good ole days of being a kid and playing. Yet how many of us remember that it took work to get up the slide. It took work to climb the monkey bars. It took work to play tag with the other kids on the playground.

There is no "dream job". There is the present moment. There are the tools, the playground to play, and the people playing with you. Instead of thinking about a "perfect job", why not think about a "perfect mindset" for any "work and play" that you do. That would be a dream come true, wouldn't it? 


Tired of the same old song and dance of get a degree, get a job, get married, and retire in 40 years? Design your own song and dance in life instead and incorporate what's of importance to you!