Mountain Minute: It’s not just fear of no paycheck

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We often are most often under the impression that every 40 hours we put in to "working", we are to earn a paycheck for every two weeks. And it's scary to think that if we don't have money coming... then what?

Philosophical Engineering

But what seems more scarier, is that scary feeling that our lives don't have purpose and we are just running around chasing a paycheck every two weeks. Our lives have no meaning.

We all realize we could find a "position" out there and make some sort of minimum wage or higher per hour acting like a robot to earn this money. But the fear of not receiving a paycheck every two weeks seems insignificant when we are faced to ask ourselves and truthfully answer the question, "Is our work meaningful?"

Sure we can have a fancy office with the corner view window overlooking the one tree that seems to have been planted perfectly in the paved parking lot outside and reap the supposed benefits of a big paycheck (I did). But at the end of the day, are we satisfied with our work?

It almost seems that yes, we need to get a paycheck, but we also need to "pay" attention to the work that we are doing to earn this, and to continually "check" in with ourselves as to whether or not it is fulfilling and means something greater than a slip of paper handed over every two weeks.

Tired of the same old song and dance of get a degree, get a job, get married, and retire in 40 years? Design your own song and dance in life instead, and incorporate what's of value and important to you!