The Moral Inquiries Statement (initial draft)

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The recent election made many of us reflect in the mirror that morning of who we really are. And also that following night when we turned on the TV trying to see if that was ourselves on the screen. And through the stories and tales of great wealth and the psychologically strategized ads of what morally should guide us, we were left in shock, thinking that another commercial was going to end the reality TV show and place us back into the real world.

Navigating now, the dialogue of “one issue voters” and recognizing the barriers of communication when we talk about what is right or wrong, left or right, there is a failure to see where the spotlight of attention needs to be. That what we see is the desire to want to play to our own rhythm of being “great”, and in fact we fail to see that making America truly great is a byproduct of the process of creating a sense of harmony in everyone’s different rhythms.

The safety of our homes seems to be the only place of refuge as we lock our doors behind us and walk out each day to confront the battles. Coming back home are we really able to unlock our deep desire to truly serve all of humanity. That really, we value truth seeking and equal rights for all.

And yet as we channel surf to catch the wave of truth to carry us, we find ourselves spinning on the screen waiting for our fate to land on jackpot.

But within the rubble of our thoughts and feelings of the recent split in our country, between those that are seemingly wanting to be great and those that are fearing that humans are placing themselves greater than all of mother Earth, the sun reminds us as we wake up each and every day, there is a beam of light that can guide us.

That there are people out there, like you and I that seek to find in the dissonance, a sense of harmony. A harmony where if we all learn to truly listen to what one another play, can we support the song of humanity living for another day. Another song that needs to be played before the world’s stage burns to the ground.

The Moral Inquiries in Cleveland, OH is a studio for sound and lyrics to practice and play what we really want it to sound like when we say “The United States of America”.