Change takes time

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When I first started at GMHT, there were no daily morning meetings, there wasn’t a clear focus on why goals were important to track and strive towards, and there wasn’t a shift report to document downtime and nonconformances. It’s been over a year and a half and the things I once suggested when I first started are now in place, as today the first ever shift report was turned in.

This isn’t to say that GMHT hasn’t been doing a good job, as the fact they’ve been around for over 50 years speaks for itself. Clearly they have been a successful small business in Cleveland, OH.

My goal with all of this though was to not dwell on the negatives but am focused to keep the “stats” like an athlete does. When we talk of an athlete and the free throw percentage, it isn’t about missing 25% but rather averaging 75% and desiring to get better.