Mountain Minute: I don’t seem to fit in…

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At one point in my life I thought that I needed to follow along to what everyone else was doing. And at another point in my life, I was convinced that I needed to break away from the tradition as self help often proposes. That I would be singing along to my own song and dance.

Philosophical Engineering

And really what I overlooked was not the glittery memes feeding me this flowery garbage of one side over another, but rather, about overcoming a problem with an innovative solution. Similar to how a business provides a service or product to help you solve a problem. That's the business we are in. To help solve the problems we face ourselves, but to then take the solutions and help others actually overcome theirs. That's how we fit in.




Want to learn more about wanting to fit in and play your song and dance in life? Get your copy of the book The Impression of a Good Life: Philosophical Engineering today!