Vibrations of Thought

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There are many different kinds of music to listen to today, lyrics to sing along to, feelings to be felt, dances to be danced. But there is always a certain kind of personal music, a certain set of values that just hits those right notes in us.

Philosophical Engineering

Your vibrations of thought are the values that resonate and are harmonious with you. They might be your needs in life or your desires. They might be in the form of things people say or do to you. Maybe it’s what you hear on TV that makes you want to go buy that new product, or the smell in the bakery that lures you to the pie section. Maybe it’s the enjoyment you have when you know that when your wife gets home you can give her a kiss. They only represent thoughts that resonate with you. They have a certain frequency. You like the sound of C flat, but not D major.

(Book excerpt and modified: The Impression of a Good Life: Philosophical Engineering. Chapter: Composing Your Vibrations of Thought)