What is your book, “The Impression of a Good Life” about?

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Frequently I’ve been asked, “what is your book about?” Of course, one would think that I would have a nice clear and definitive answer, so I manage to try share a snippet and realize after that it’s almost more difficult to state the message in a shorter amount of words than the longer amount of words.

Philosophical Engineering

So what is my book about then? I could read the back of the cover and you could get an idea. I could read the entire book, of course, and realize then what the book is about.

Really, the book title captures it all. “The Impression of a Good Life”. It’s my impression of a good life that I am continually trying to design, because I have felt that up until getting a degree, getting a job, and trying to get married, someone else has been trying to design my life for me.