The Impression of a Good Life: Philosophical Engineering (12 of 12)

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People often ask me why I climb mountains, and most of them expect me to say it’s for the views or for having some sort of spiritual journey. And both of those things are part of the answer. But really, all I know is that I simply enjoy hiking a mountain, and I only suggest you take the hike yourself to find out how it’s unique to you and how it leaves an impression on you and your thoughts.

Philosophical Engineering

And when I think about what others have experienced, and the impression it leaves on them after we all get down from the hike, it reminds me of a fingerprint—a fingerprint of their thoughts and experiences impressed on their souls.

And I can’t be the artist who brings that out. Only the person hiking can do that.

Every hike I have ever been on has a beginning and an end. It’s usually marked as the time we leave the car with all our gear and the time we get back to the car.

And even though an entire day passes by, we end up right back where we started. And one would think this was insanity, coming full circle to where we were, but it’s quite the opposite as the car comes back into sight.

My heart is slightly relieved at the sight, but also a bit depressed about having to leave the mountain after what I have just experienced. I am a bit depressed that I will need to leave and then return on another day to have the thrill of climbing up and down the mountain again.

But I will always know it’s there and will never forget its presence in my vibrations of thought.

I remember the hike looking boring on paper. Some would imagine it to be from point A to point B.

Why bother to climb up and back down when you can go straight from A to B? It would be quicker and save the hassle. But I remember the many experiences…

Hence, my thinking thumbprint: a map of my thoughts and experiences. This is the idea of my song and dance playing through my vibrations of thought.