The Impression of a Good Life: Philosophical Engineering (4 of 12)

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The beaten path of study hard to get a degree, find a secure and stable position at a company to get a job, and try to fall in love quickly out of college to get married, didn’t get me the satisfaction or fulfillment I was looking for in my journey of forty years to retirement. So what other trail is there to take?

Philosophical Engineering

When my mentor Dan told me about the mountain in life to climb was Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, rather than the one to retirement, I not only wondered how I could hike that mountain, but also what trail I was to take. Deviating potentially from the grind of the “same shit, different day” mantra was intimidating to me.

Dan told me there was another hiker who established a pathway to follow; Richard Barrett and his 7 Levels of Personal Consciousness. Following this path along each level of Personal Consciousness, I would be able to design a fulfilling life around my values.