Rooted in Value

I HAD ALWAYS BELIEVED THAT the true American dream was to sing and dance on the big stage one day (maybe perform my dance on the treadmill, put the cheese out in front of me at work and watch me go!)—that we all envisioned ourselves on TV, strolling down the Read more…

A good life

Intelligence they say is about making connections, seeing patterns. If athletes practice specific play patterns to make connections during important games, why wouldn’t we strive towards the same goal in our lives? Instead of throwing a football or shooting a basketball, there are many skills we can be practicing everyday Read more…

Vibrations of Thought

There are many different kinds of music to listen to today, lyrics to sing along to, feelings to be felt, dances to be danced. But there is always a certain kind of personal music, a certain set of values that just hits those right notes in us. Philosophical Engineering Your Read more…

Expectation in Life

When I was given an assignment in my college history class to write about the values in Frederick Douglass’s life, a prominent abolitionist figure in American history, I remember reading one distinct passage in the text book. A young man once asked the great Mr. Douglass, who at the time Read more…

Something practical

In recent discussions in the Cleveland Heights philosophy group, there has been a growing concern for what is discussed, “what to do next?” We talk about concepts that aren’t frequently talked about at work or at home, but seem to be on people’s minds. But the question gets raised, what practical Read more…

Presence & presentism

fritzbooks: After hiking the Western Wood, 2.29.16 Presence is to presentism as sex is to sexism.  The sexist avoids experiencing the body, how the body is unique and free. Similarly, the presentist avoids experiencing time, how time is generation and a chance. The sexist doesn’t understand the body.  The presentist Read more…