Common sense?

The artist Rene Magritte was very conscious of symbols and objects. He used them in his work to provoke “powerful responses.” Take a look at one of his pieces titled Common Sense. How does your “common sense” want to describe the painting? Click Here Philosophical Engineering Quintessential Knowledge: The drawing stirs our thoughts on the concept of symbols and objects. Our intuition tells us that the fruit is real because it is realized to be Read more…

It’s all in the numbers…right?

When we want to explain the world around us, our immediate intuition is to ask about the newest developments in the field of physics, to describe the world in terms of numbers. We create a formula here, which has numbers plugged in there, and we get a simple numeric answer to whatever question we might ask. Essentially, discovery becomes a numbers game.  So how, then, can 2+2=5? “A western anthropologist is told by a Voohooni Read more…

What it means to have mental states

Some cognitive scientists now believe that, through development of artificial intelligence, we can create and manipulate consciousness.  It’s like those fantasy movies about robots one day having a mind like humans. It’s seems somewhat shocking to us that a computer could be smarter than we are when we built and programmed it.  We’re different, and an important way; there’s something it’s “like” to be conscious, as Nagel suggests in “What is it Like to be Read more…

Design Point: The Imaginative Mind in Science (J. Bronowski)

“Imagination is always an experimental process…whether we are experimenting with logical concepts or with the fancy free material of art… Many people do not find it as pleasurable to read a theorem as to read a poem… But no creative work, in art or in science, truly exists for us unless we ourselves help to create it.” Philosophical Engineering Design Point Jacob Bronowski suggests those who dread reading about science fail to appreciate the creative Read more…

Thinking about free will and determinism (golfer’s joke)

“Moses, Jesus, and a bearded old man are playing golf. Moses drives a long one, which lands on the fairway but rolls directly toward the pond. Moses raises his club, parts the water, and the ball rolls safely to the other side. Jesus also hits a long one toward the same pond, but just as it’s about to land in the center, it hovers above the surface. Jesus casually walks out on the pond and Read more…

Which one are you?

Which personality type are you? Brenna Sniderman from Forbes Insight shares the five personality types of innovation -) movers and shakers = motivated by targets and rewards; want results at the end of the day -) experimenters = “where there is a will, there is a way”; perfectionists -) star pupils = “they’re good at everything” -) controllers = motivated by structure in their life -) hangers-on = like the middle when choosing sides and Read more…

Design Point: 5 Easy Actions for a Better Brain (Pam Zhang)

This philosophical engineering point is by Pam Zhang focusing on 5 different actions that can improve your brain thinking capacity: 1) Exercise 2-3 times a week 2) Read at least 10 minutes a day 3) Have a drink but not too many! 4) Play an instrument at least once a week 5) Average your sleep hours in between 5 and 10 For the full article: Click Here Philosophical Engineering Design Point: In this philosophical engineering Read more…

Design Point: “the trick is to use your brain everyday”

Do you constantly challenge yourself mentally? In this philosophical engineering design point keep your brain sharp by challenging your thinking everyday. Follow the link for a few short activities. Click Here Philosophical Engineering Design Point: The saying ‘use it or lose it’ applies to staying sharp mentally. Keep challenging yourself and don’t let the routine behaviors of life hold you back from staying sharp.

Drum up creativity

Why post something about a drummer if not everyone is a drummer? Well the video illustrates Billy Ward and how he allows himself to express his drumming creatively. He thinks about melodies and not timing. How it sounds and not the mechanics. Watch the short video to see how he developed his creative flow around the kit. DW DVD – Billy Ward: Voices In My Head Philosophical Engineering Quintessential Knowledge: Do you stress more on Read more…