Passion is like polishing a pearl

“Your true song and dance, when it is harmonious, will be like that piece of grit in your mind and body when you are constantly trying to find a way to polish it. It’s a burning desire of yours.”   Philosophical Engineering People often speak of passion, but never quite seem to be able to describe it. But there’s really a simple way to think about it. They talk about passion being something they love Read more…

We all want to help others, but…

If you have ever been on an airplane, you will probably remember the flight attendant giving the safety presentation while the plane was taxiing out to the runway for takeoff. And specifically, if there is a drop in pressure in the main cabin of the plane, overhead oxygen masks will fall from the compartments overhead. The flight attendant will then instruct you to put your mask on first, before you assist others. Philosophical Engineering We all Read more…

Your Magic Eye

Do you remember the Magic Eye books when you were younger? Philosophical Engineering They were those books with the images hidden beneath the annoying distractive pattern. And they were popular because they were representative of the illusions that distract us from what is really hidden within. For those that couldn’t see the embedded patterns beneath the distractions, or expect the vision to appear without really focusing on what is underneath, never saw the pattern, because they Read more…

What I see and what they see

If we want to see things far away from us, we use a telescope. If we want to see things up close, we use a microscope. This makes it easier to allow our eyes to focus on objects of different scales. Philosophical Engineering There are two types of lenses in life that we constantly must look through, regardless of the magnification, to see and recognize patterns that can guide us in how we are to Read more…

The Journey Begins…

I want to first thank everyone who helped me in launching my book this past Tuesday! Off to a great start! And with that… “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” ~Lao Tzu The cliche of a long journey starting with the first step, is inspirational and at first glance very obvious. Too obvious and simple that we might overlook the importance of it’s intended meaning. Philosophical Engineering We often forget Read more…

The Impression of a Good Life: Philosophical Engineering (12 of 12)

People often ask me why I climb mountains, and most of them expect me to say it’s for the views or for having some sort of spiritual journey. And both of those things are part of the answer. But really, all I know is that I simply enjoy hiking a mountain, and I only suggest you take the hike yourself to find out how it’s unique to you and how it leaves an impression on Read more…

The Impression of a Good Life: Philosophical Engineering (11 of 12)

Despite the hike being a personal endeavor, there was always time for conversing with others as we went up and down the mountain. Philosophical Engineering Often when we would hike, the weather was decent enough to attract more than the die-hard hikers who hike rain or shine. When we would cross paths or take breaks, there were always moments to share a good laugh or a good story with one another. And often, the best Read more…

The Impression of a Good Life: Philosophical Engineering (10 of 12)

Every time I hiked, I learned from the stories of fellow hikers that we all had different ways of thinking about the hike. These thoughts were unique to my companions, like their fingerprints were. Philosophical Engineering My brother had a tendency to love hiking in the company of others. He liked seeing and helping others get to the top successfully. My father always loved the personal challenge of conquering the mountain and accomplished climbing all Read more…

The Impression of a Good Life: Philosophical Engineering (9 of 12)

I wondered what it would be like on top of a mountain when I first drove through the White Mountains one day from our family’s lake house. Looking out the window, some of the mountains were so high up, I had to stick my head out of the window to see the tops as we drove on by. There were so many, more than the eye could see. Philosophical Engineering And the top is what Read more…

The Impression of a Good Life: Philosophical Engineering (8 of 12)

“don’t stop believing” There’s that line of the song again. But don’t stop believing in what, though? Hold on to what feeling? Philosophical Engineering At first, I wasn’t really sure what to believe in or hold on to. With work consuming my life and the emotional juggling of love, I had all sorts of different feelings and thoughts to handle and sort out for myself. Even though I felt more comfortable because of the progress Read more…