When Philosophy Lost Its Way

When Philosophy Lost Its Way “Like the sciences, philosophy has largely become a technical enterprise, the only difference being that we manipulate words rather than genes or chemicals. Lost is the once common-sense notion that philosophers are seeking the good life…”

“This land is my land, this land is your(?) land”

Today’s competition isn’t about fighting for land to conquer like it was done thousands of years ago. It’s the every inch possible on the road and highways driving to work that is fought for. It’s the posting status updates and photos for likes on social media. Philosophical Engineering Everyone wants a feeling of importance. That is just human nature. How we get it, can be different. But the playing field in which we are playing Read more…

How Stress Affects the Brain

teded: Are you sleeping restlessly, feeling irritable or moody, forgetting little things, and feeling overwhelmed and isolated? Don’t worry. We’ve all been there. You’re probably just stressed out. Stress isn’t always a bad thing. It can be handy for a burst of extra energy and focus, like when you’re playing a competitive sport, or have to speak in public. But when its continuous, the kind most of us face day in and day out, it Read more…

Hard work alone will not make you successful. It’s having the clarity of your own needs and values in life and aligning them with the needs and values of others.