Reflection on Day 1; I’m a Philosophical Engineer

Typically the first question that is asked when you meet someone new in a social setting is, “what do you do for a living?”. I was bombarded with this question all day long as I was in a room with nearly 70 strangers. It’s such an awkward question to answer because my life isn’t just about my “occupation” of trading time for money (the assumed response), but comprised of my writing, the philosophy group I co-organize, the Read more…

A possible disconnect

How do I know if I am affected by a particular government law? When I failed to attain health insurance during my unemployment months last year, and found out from this year’s taxes the hard way of not having health insurance, was that my own ignorance? Who was I supposed to turn to and learn from though? Or was it because I failed to turn on the TV which I haven’t owned in over 11 Read more…

Why psychology for me? (my first grad school essay)

“What do I want to be when I grow up?” That question doesn’t necessarily lose it’s imaginative possibilities even being older now, but what ends up becoming a reality is the necessary interaction of people while trying to navigate the desirable behaviors of my own self. And there are two things that I wish to overcome in my new undertaking of being a graduate student in the field of psychology. Number one, understand more of Read more…


fritzbooks: We decided on July 26th to have a practical workshop on civic focusing.  By this, we mean focusing ourselves –or our lives – in what we need to do or to be as a politicized member of our community.  To this end, we developed several writing / conceptualizing prompts designed for different kinds of situations – for instance, one for people who want to know what to do, and another Read more…

Being an “active” citizen

Here they are, for next week’s interactive Meetup (come with a notebook and something to write, draw or paint with): We decided on July 26th to have a practical workshop on civic focusing.  By this, we mean focusing ourselves –or our lives – in what we need to do or to be as a politicized member of our community.  We will develop several writing / conceptualizing prompts designed for different kinds of situations – for Read more…

Work to Need

Work to Need fritzbooks: “Work to need”. Makes me wonder how to restructure the seemingly arbitrary expectations of defining when we are supposed to “work”. These “rules” that define our day, our weeks, and even our years working. And yet it’s the self fulfilling work that motivates any individual. But I believe it’s possible for companies to nurture an individual’s desire to work and play.