Last week I challenged you to determine what your "meaning making process" was. This week I will try and convince you why it's important to have one.
Philosophical Engineering
There is a perception that a good life is that of on a beach, with nothing to do. And yet, when people are at the beach, the phone tends to be out. So when we are at "work" we want to be at the beach, and when we are at the beach, we can't just focus on being at the beach.
Could you imagine someone like Bill Gates sitting on beach his entire life? How would Microsoft ever have been created? Meaning making is what is intrinsic to us. We must overcome the fear and understand our internal voice and that of society talking with one another. This isn't to preach that we are to be the astronaut we wanted to be as a child when we grew up, but rather what is really meaningful. What we are capable of mastering, not pretending to be confident and this positive thinking will allow you to be a professional basketball player. It's more about finding that "flow" in our work and play, where time seems to disappear. There also must be work involved. A sort of passion that makes us want to polish the piece of grit like an oyster does to create a pearl.