You might have heard when times are rough, to persevere through it. To not give up on your dreams if that is what you are working towards and keep fighting the battle. To even alter the plans when necessary to get to the goal.
Philosophical Engineering
However, there comes a point too of an even greater skill of knowing when to actually stop. And to then ask the questions of, "what is actually motivating me?" and also "is this a realistic goal I'm working towards?" For example, I'm not a professional golfer and never will be. No perseverance or change in my plans of becoming one will ever make me a golfing professional. Even if I bought the latest golf club technology and moved somewhere warm all year round and maintained a "go get 'em attitude", it wouldn't put me closer to actually becoming a golfing professional as that isn't my song and dance in life. All of this however, doesn't stop me from playing golf for fun on the weekends.