We decided on July 26th to have a practical workshop on civic focusing. By this, we mean focusing ourselves –or our lives – in what we need to do or to be as a politicized member of our community. To this end, we developed several writing / conceptualizing prompts designed for different kinds of situations – for instance, one for people who want to know what to do, and another for people who want to think about how to change their being (for instance, being more compassionate or non-reactive), etc.
We developed these prompts as a small group (Tony, Patrice, Kara and I) at Stone Oven Lee Rd. on Tuesday the 2nd at 6:30 PM.
Here they are:
(1) What do you need to prioritize in order to become an active citizen? (strategic question//logistics)
For instance, what do you need to do in order to become a good –informed?– voter? What else is there to being an active citizen besides voting? What can I do everyday? Where should I do it? What kinds of things do you do – service (what kind? –military, public, philanthropic, fighting for justice, upholding the law, being a good member of your community (and what is that)?
(2) How should I engage with my community in order to be a good (active?) citizen? (relational question//identity -interpersonal)
For instance, should I become more critical (of the media, of politicians, etc.), and how could I become that? Should I (do as the Moral Inquiries did for half a year and) focus on compassion? Do I need to see myself as having responsibilities? Which? To whom? Why? Do I need to see myself as having a different kind of identity -for instance, not just a private person but a public citizen? A member of a community? Of the world? Is it important to lead? How? Is it enough to be a spectator? A couch politico?
(3) What cast of mind do I need (or would it be good to develop) in order to become a good (active?) citizen? (psychological/mindedness question//identity -intrapersonal)
For instance, do I need to develop my emotional intelligence? My assertiveness? Should I, as the ancient Stoics, develop a cosmic –cosmopolitan– consciousness? Should I work on my soul (for instance, my character) in order to be ready for good political judgment? Where does my integrity come from? How do I develop the psychological capacities that are desirable – do I see a therapist, pray, go to a drum circle, play pick up soccer, meditate, deliberate with friends & family, what?
4) Visualize your ideal citizen. (visualization exercise)
How would you describe them? How do they approach politics, their community, or being civic? What kinds of relationships do they have? What if any responsibilities do they have? What is their character or psychology like? What do they do? What do they participate in? Etc. How would you paint this picture for, say, a fifth grader?
(5) Rant to high heaven! (angry manifesto)
What are you indignant about? What should be done or should have been done? What would it take to right the wrong against which your warring heart rails? How can your rant speak to others, be constructive, change something? Is your rant adolescent or adult? What would the adult version be? What would the adolescent version be — would it go against your parents? Is it your mature view?
Bring something to write or draw on and something to write or draw with!
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