Design Point: Composers as Gardners (Brian Eno)

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Do you think of yourself as a gardener or an architect? Take this design point based upon Brian Eno’s article and utilize it into your thinking.

“My topic is the shift from ‘architect’ to ‘gardener’, where ‘architect’ stands for ‘someone who carries a full picture of the work before it is made’, to ‘gardener’ standing for ‘someone who plants seeds and waits to see exactly what will come up’. I will argue that today’s composer are more frequently ‘gardeners’ than ‘architects’ and, further, that the ‘composer as architect’ metaphor was a transitory historical blip.” ~Brian Eno

Philosophical Engineering Design Point:

Are you an architect or gardener when composing your life? Do you have the image in your head before or do you see the image after?

For the full article and video: